Divide the calib yields by Xprod(Ecal) to obtain detector efficiency at the given emission energy. Tabulate [emission_energy,efficiency] --->Output
the detector efficiency can be fitted VS energy. The fit can be interpolated and converted back to calib yields for the elements/lines for which no experimental info was available (i.e. construct the calib file)
Note: This function is only valid for 10 Z2 in range [10,99]
Check hardcoded Z limits
Check hardcoded Z limits
Check hardcoded Z limits
Support also M lines here
TODO:Check why was the following line commented out (in the Pascal Code):
This function only works for proton beams!!
This function only works for proton beams!!
Substitute the "..." by explicit labels
: SXF not supported yet
: Xeq calculation not
This function is only for proton beams!!
What is cau ???
What is a02 ???
document this function
document this function
document this function
document this function
document this function
document this function
The reallocation of ESxArray could be done inteligently in increments larger than 2, thus sacrificing some memory to speed up the process. Some extra variable would also be needed to remember the actual dimension of the matrix and comparing it with pFpos.
Check hardcoded Z limits
Check hardcoded Z limits
Only K and L absorption lines are considered (since M lines are hard to quantify anyway, we don't waste time). If SFC is desired for M lines too, change nabs to 9 here. Also, a conditional compilation could be implemented depending on a preproc variable called ,i.e., QUANTIFYMLINES
In case M emission lines should not be considered for SFC, this for loop can be eliminated by a conditional compilation